- How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack (Linux) You already know that if you want to lock down your Wi-Fi network, you should opt for WPA encryption because WEP is easy to crack. But did you know how easy? Take a look.
- Kick Other Devices off a Wi-Fi Network with WiFiKill on Android (Android) We heard about WiFiKill a while ago, but it just seemed too, well, evil to write about until now. The app disables the connection of other devices on the same Wi-Fi network; essentially you can bump people off without them knowing.
- Jeannie for Android Responds to Your Voice, Can Hold a Conversation with You (Android) Jeannie, formerly Pannous Voice Actions for Android (not to be confused with Google Voice Actions) has always been a solid voice control utility for your Android phone, but the developers have taken a page out of Apple's book and updated the app with a new name and the ability to hold its own in a conversation with you, the ability to set alarms and send emails, play music, tell jokes, look up the news, and search the web.
- Winamp for Android Updates, Now Syncs with Macs Wirelessly (Android) Previously mentioned Winamp for Android unveiled a number of updates this morning, including a new Winamp for Mac Sync beta app that extends wireless music and video sync to Mac users, access to Spinner's MP3 of the day from your Android phone, and a new premium version of the app with extended features.
- 7Files for Windows Streamlines Windows Explorer, Makes File Searches Easier (Windows) Searching for files in Windows can be easy if you know what you're looking for and infuriating if you don't remember a file name, path, or folder location. 7Files, a free file browser for Windows 7 systems, makes searching easy by highlighting often-used files, organizing your files by date, file type, and file extension, and showing you most recently opened or modified files together for quick reference.
- GoTime Keeps Track of Your Calendar Events, Location, and Travel Time So You're Never Late (iOS) If you're chronically late to all your appointments, GoTime will whip you into shape by tracking all your calendar's events, their locations, and telling you what time you need to leave based on how long it will take to get there.
- Quicksilver for Mac Updates, Adds Performance Tweaks and Official Lion Support (Mac) Quicksilver is our favorite Launcher for the Mac, but it's always been a little less that stellar when running on Lion. Now, the team behind the open source application launcher have optimized the app for OS X Lion, added official support for Apple's latest OS, introduced auto-updating plugins, and more.
- ChefTap for Android Turns Your Phone into a Cooking Companion (Android) There's no shortage of mobile apps that allow you to look up recipes, bookmark them, and share them with your friends, but ChefTap also imports recipes from other web sites and food blogs, and walks you through their recipes, step by step, as you cook them.
- Mint Unveils a New Native iPad App for Tracking Your Finances on the Go (iPad) iPhone and Android users already have versions of Mint customized for smaller screens, but now iPad users can download a version of Mint optimized for the iPad and its larger display. The new app is built with iOS 5 in mind, and allows you to organize your accounts, track your spending, and review your finances and bills anywhere you have a data connection.
- Orchestra Is an Awesome Collaborative To-Do Manager with Speech Recognition, Web Sync, and More (iPhone) Orchestra is a really fantastic to-do app for your iPhone that lets you collaborate with others even if they don't have a copy of the (free) app themselves. You can share anything you're working on, others can send you tasks requiring your help, and it's all remarkably simple to do.
Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/11rYsba9kL8/this-weeks-top-downloads
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