Thursday, August 2, 2012

What is Klout? Who are the top influencers in the wine ... - blog*spot

I'm compiling a list of the people with the highest scores in the wine industry. This first article includes only influencers whose name starts with letters G, H, I or J. You will find their names, scores, links to their pages (twitter, facebook, google+, klout, etc), as well as their top influences on Klout (besides wine).

Here they are... Wait a second... Please note that only scores over 40 were included. If you are my friend on Facebook and were not included... work harder! :)


?? 45

#Wine, #spirits, food lover and #smell ambassador // 75 to 95% of taste is actually smell // What have you smelled lately?

?? 47

Master Sommelier, wine consultant and educator

?? 55

...about wine.

?? 45

This is my wine account! Try @MNFTWEETER for sports and @KRWPF for Social Media Thanks for the follows!

?? 57

Love to eat, write, talk; and think about FOOD! Award winning freelance writer for multiple outlets, cooking school in Italy; and yes Marcella Hazan is MIL

?? 51

#winelover, #foodie, global nomad, did Intl #Media / #socialmedia for @Vinitalytour & @MyOperawine and marketing for luxury gds brands

?? 44

24 years travelling the world as a wine professional leads me to tweet, write and teach all that is amazing about food, wine and living a good life.

?? 62

J'ai grandi en Gironde mais je me suis install? en ?le de France pour ma vie professionnelle au service des vins et de la gastronomie. #accordsmetsvins #vin

?? 61

Content Strategist at CA Technologies, Writer, Steelers Fan, Husband, Father and Executive Editor of

??? 64

Una vita con le gambe sotto al tavolo

?? 60

wine speaker, educator, tv host, author, general lover of life who takes my work seriously but not myself. drinking for a living makes me #happy

?? 56

Publicist specializing in wine, food and the arts ? Hands-On PR Pro. ?Your Message Matters.? Public Relations, Social Media, Marketing, Writing, Events.

?? 54

?? 53

Senior Editor Wine Business Monthly; MW student. IWC table chair. Author Wines of the Pacific Northwest+author of wine blog: #winelover

?? 45

A Woman's Guide to Champagne will be released fall 2012. Follow updates and other Champagne-related news and events @ [Champagne+]

?? 61

Creator of The Outsiders. Wine PR, writing, editing & translation (FR/ENG) for Gilbert & Gaillard, Sud de France and Languedoc-Roussillon wine producers

?? 52

Grande amoureuse du vin, passionn?e par ceux qui les font, blogueuse et consultante en communication et

?? 60

#Asolo #Prosecco #Docg #Superiore & #colfondo producers .We work respecting the environment we live in #Organic #wine cert. in 2014 #italy


?? 43

Responsabile Marketing @ilMosnel in Franciacorta. Fare vino il mio lavoro. Vino, cibo, libri, musica, nuoto, tecnologia e Jack Russel le mie passioni

?? 53

International Wine Observer, writes for Expat Women. Consumer Behavior Expert, prehistoric Internet HiTech Eng, insomnia carrier, winelover blogger

?? 47

?? 47

Wine blogger. Simply #WineLover

?? 55

?? 57

Blogger - PhD Wine & Spirits digital strategic communication planner - Paris- Verona & more...

?? 57

Swedish #archaeologist and #winelover, blogs on #archaeology and wine ( & #Arkeolog #vinbloggare #Stockholm

?? 53

Co-founder and CEO, I love wine and online media. #winelover

?? 42

?? 65


?? 63

journalist, wein blogger, wine critic, webworker, online publizist

?? 57

helping wine enthusiasts jostle the jaded, slay the snooty + drink bravely; award-winning author; PBS TV judge; wine expert for Pottery Barn + Food Network

?? 60

Greek Wine Insider. Linking top Greek wine producers with importers, merchants, gastronomy and consumers.

?? 56

Head Sommelier and Restaurant Manager in Montecarlo as main job. Blogger & wine consultant for passion

?? 62

1st time Daddy-2-B, booze wine & food make me giddy, social media is easy so stop effing it up, my wife IS my favorite person!

?? 44

Besch?ftige mich mit Wein, Social Media Marketing, Web-Entwicklung. Bin Koch, dreifacher Vater, Bahnhofsbesitzer...

?? 44

Wine Promoter Freelance - Divulgatore del Vino - Degustatore - Organizzazione Eventi Vino - Wine Writer - Autore -

?? 54

?? 59

Writer curious about nature, culture, food, wine, and place. Strategist, designer, teacher, speaker. MA in creative writing, CSW. I like hard questions.


?? 50

Here We Go~Director-Academy of Wine Communications-Finger Lakes~Happy Wife~Community Manager @Vin65Team~Mama to a Tibetan Spaniel & housecat

?? 45

Consultor especializado en turismo y enogastronom?a. T?cnico en e-commerce,marketing 2.0 y comunicaci?n, vinculado al sector agroalimentario y tur?stico.

?? 50

Michael W.Pleitgen wine consulting and education founder of

?? 48

The Wine Country Broker? Realtor? Serving The Fine Wine Counties Of Sonoma, Napa & Mendocino. Home To Excellent People & An Awesome Lifestyle.

?? 41

Blog about wine at @thruthebunghole. Certified Wine Educator. WSET Diploma. Account Supervisor at Balzac Communications.

?? 53

?? 52

Winelover by profession

?? 56

Wine lover, wine blogger, & foodie. Love good wine, travel, & living life to the fullest. Manolo Blahnik- wearing fashionista, wanderluster.

?? 57

President & CEO of @FLXWineCountry. Creative strategist, wine and tourism marketing specialist, leader of #TeamRiesling #FLXwine, #FLXfood. I LOVE NY!

?? 49


Top scores (60+ / letters G, H, I, and J):

Jamie Goode 69

Ilkka Sir?n 67

Grace Hoffman 64

Juan Manuel Gonzalvo Mancilla 64

Jasmine Hirsch 62

James Marshall Berry 61

Galina Todorova Niforou 60

Joe Roberts 60


?Very interesting fact (4): Jamie Goode has the highest score I've found so far... Is there a chance that fame and a high klout score have some sort of connection?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Top scores (60+ / letters E and F):
  1. Fran?ois Desperriers 69?
  2. Emmanuel Delmas 68?

Very interesting fact (3): 8 of the people above have #winelover in their profiles



Very interesting fact (3):? Have you noticed that both top scores so far (Andre and Dusan) have #winelover in their profiles?


?Top scores (60+ / letters A and B)
  1. Andre Ribeirinho 68
  2. Arto Koskelo 67?
  3. Alexandra Corvo? 63
  4. Anne-Victoire Jocteur Monrozier 61

Very interesting fact: The 4 top scores for letters A and B are EWBC alumni... let's see if this "coincidence" occurs with the other letters of the alphabet... The other common factor is that they are all my friends in real life... :)

Please let us know if your Klout score has changed since this article was published and we will gladly get it fixed for you.



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